Due to the unreleased nature of Spore, I can't show anything I have done yet. Here are a couple of offiical screenshots of Spore for you to enjoy for the time being!



From Jan 2006 to Oct 2007 I was a Senior Artist on Spore. Our art team was relatively small in EA terms. We had one Art Director (Ocean Quigley was our daddy of the galaxy), 4 animators (who handled the procedural animation magic stuff), 3 FX artists (who did all effects and planet generation), and 7 generalist artists (of which I was one) who did everything else including modeling, texturing, rigging of procedural and static models and also a surprising amount of animation.

During my tenure on Spore, I created a wide variety of assets on Spore: fully deforming parts in Creature Editor and Building Editor; most of the static art assets specific to the Tribe game and Creature game; some static plantery objects; collectible objects in Space; underwear for aliens... etc etc. I was proud that our small team created all of our assets in house without any outsourcing, and thanks to our wonderful art manager, we were able to churn out a truly impressive amount of complex and top quality content with pretty much no crunch period.

For a detailed explanation of the work I did on Spore, go HERE.
Excuse the inconsistent style of the webpages! I'll try to consolidate when I have some time.

For more official information about Spore, please go here.


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